Sunday 23 June 2013

Horror Trailer

Codes and conventions

  • uses jump cuts lots this can make the film more scary at the scary parts in the film making people jump more which is what the horror films intend to do
  • horror films tend to be more succesful if in the trailer they do not give to much away such as the scary character e.g. scary person, ghost, monster. People more interested if they dont know what the scary character is straight away
  • low lighting and faded camera shots also are regular in horror films as they create more suspense and add the scary theme to the film 
  • trailer often also includes some sort of music that will often be slow (could speed up) this can create suspense in the film adding to its scariness 
  • often in the film for text they use things such as blood to write in which again helps to make the fim more scary 
  • often use things related to horror films as props such as secret black boxes that also make the film more scary

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