Sunday 23 June 2013

Blake Snyder's 10 film categorie

Monster in the house
Essentially, the monster in the house category would mean that the film is of the horror genre. They tell the story of a powerful creature or monster who has the intentions of hurting or killing everyone in the film. Usually one of the characters in the film is guilty of a 'sin' which releases or brings the monster to life such as in Frankenstein. Other examples include Jaws, The Ring and Paranormal activity.

Golden Fleece
The golden fleece genre is about a hero at the start of a film and throughout the course of the film finds things and finds things about himself/herself. Examples of these types of films include After Earth, Oblivion and Star Wars

Out of the Bottle
Out of the bottle films are more quirky fantasy films focused around strange occurences happening to people and how they deal with them.Examples of films like this include Bruce Almighty and Freaky Friday.

Dude with a problem
This category includes many film genres such as comedy, horror and action. It is usually about a normal character who develops an attitude along the path of heroism which is triggered through a sudden event. They will often find that they need to save the planet or deal with other life or death situations. Films that would fall into this category include Transporter, Taken and Die Hard.
man spirit.

Rites of Passage
This is film genre is about when life changing event happens and this will be  within the story and then in the story they will  try to fix it and this happens throughout the remainder of the film. An example of this could be in some parts American Pie. 

Buddy love
These films refer to our physiological need to be loved and accepted. Transformation lies at the center of these films and despite whatever obstacles lie in the way, two people need to be together to function at their best. Examples of these films include Bad Boys and Dumb and Dumberer. 

Some films of this genre go against the grain for most and focus on the villain, and why they committed their act/ crime etc. They try to explain the character that is rarely explained in true depth, and so this time, the audience get to learn of what it is like to be in the mind of the villain. A classic example of this would be The Silence of the Lambs. Films of this genre can also focus on more common occurrences like murder etc where the 'good guy' police officers have to try and solve the case.

Fool triumphant
Fool triumphant films tend to fall under the comedy genre. They are about a character who is oblivious to the world around them labeling them as an underdog who eventually comes out on top giving the film a happy ending. Examples include Dodgeball and Forrest gump.

This genre of film is focused around a group of characters as they try to overcome one key issue whilst also focusing on their own individual issues,such as the Goonies and The Experiment 

This type focus on a individual or group of extraordinary people that have special powers that usually lead to them defeating some king of superhero villain. example is man of steel

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