Monday 8 July 2013

Wolverine Trailer

For this task i will be anaylsying two different trailers, the first trailer i will be analysing will be Wolverine.
After watching the Wolverine trailer i have seen lots of action and over 110 different snaps however i think the trailer is extremely clever not to give to much away. When Transit was given the job to create the trailer for The Wolverine he was given to main requirements to show in it. Firstly to show the emotional aspect of Wolverine and  secondly to tease the audience with the possible enemy that he has to fight against.
On a budjet of $100million the photography started on Monday, July 30, 2012 even though the film is not due for release untill 24/07/2013. The trailer has been shot in some exotic locations that include New South Wales, Botany Bay, Sydney, Japan and Canada.

  • Hugh Jackman as Logan / Wolverine: a mutant and member of the X-Men. Jackman, who portrayed the character in the previous X-Men films, also produced the film via his company Seed Productions. Regarding Logan's struggle with slow aging, Jackman said, "He realizes everyone he loves dies, and his whole life is full of pain. So it's better that he just escapes. He can't die really. He just wants to get away from everything."
  • Jackman stated that he ate six meals a day in preparation for the role. Jackman contacted Dwayne Johnson for some tips on bulking up for the movie. Johnson suggested that for six months, he gain a pound a week, by eating 6,000 calories a day which consisted of "an awful lot of chicken, steak and brown rice".
  • Hiroyuki Sanada as Shingen Yashida: a character created by Claremont and Miller, who is a Yakuza crime boss and antagonist to Wolverine.
  • Hal Yamanouchi as Yashida, the head of the Yashida clan to which Shingen belongs.
  • Tao Okamoto as Mariko Yashida: the daughter of Shingen, who is torn between her love for Logan and her duty to her father Logan is hired to protect Mariko as she becomes threatened by a gangland war between law enforcement and the Yakuza About her character, Okamoto said that Mariko is no pushover and is proficient in karate and knife-throwing.
  • Rila Fukushima as Yukio one of the deadliest assassins in Shingen’s clan. Fukushima said, "My character's very physical. Yukio and Wolverine have a lot in common. She really takes care of him and he also cares about her." Mangold described Yukio as a lethal fighter who is "both sexy and almost kind of sprung from the anime world."
  • Will Yun Lee as Kenuichio Harada / Silver Samurai the illegitimate son of Shingen, who possesses the ability to charge his katana with "tachyon energy", which can then cut through almost anything. Lee said that he underwent rigorous sword training for the film.
  • Brian Tee as Noburo Mori: a corrupt minister of justice who is about to marry Mariko.
  • Svetlana Khodchenkova as Viper a one-time peer of Wolverine's as well as an enemy, who has an immunity to toxins. About her character, Khodchenkova said "Viper doesn't really have many people that she cares about, most of them she just uses for her own purpose Mangold said, "as her name would imply, she's kind of snakelike," and that Viper views Logan "like a great hunter might view hunting a lion in his quarry."
  • Famke Janssen as Jean Grey from previous films. Jackman said, "There’s no doubt that the most important relationship in his life is—we’ve seen through the movies—is his relationship with Jean Grey. Yes, we saw her die at the end of X-Men: The Last Stand, but in this movie, she has a presence which I think is vital to the movie, particularly for him confronting the most difficult thing within himself."

  • The trailer is action packed with over 116 cuts in under 2 and a half minutes with numerous different camera shots throughout. There is also a sound track in the trailer that starts properly around half way through the trailer, the sound track was created by Marco Beltrami who annoced in September 2012 he had singed on to score the film.

    Thursday 4 July 2013

    Horror Trailer - NOT FINISHED YET

    After looking through the horror category of the Golden Trailer Awards, I could tell the Mama trailer was thebest out of them all. I looked at all of the trailers and although i thought that some of the other trailers where good and similar in many aspects, i thought that Mama was the best, i found this as i thought it done well to meet its purpose and give a feel of the film. i also think the trailer done well to show the scary aspect of the film however i also thought it done this well as it didn't give to much away which is a postive of horror trailers as often if they give to much away it will put people of the film.

    Sunday 23 June 2013

    Horror Trailer

    Codes and conventions

    • uses jump cuts lots this can make the film more scary at the scary parts in the film making people jump more which is what the horror films intend to do
    • horror films tend to be more succesful if in the trailer they do not give to much away such as the scary character e.g. scary person, ghost, monster. People more interested if they dont know what the scary character is straight away
    • low lighting and faded camera shots also are regular in horror films as they create more suspense and add the scary theme to the film 
    • trailer often also includes some sort of music that will often be slow (could speed up) this can create suspense in the film adding to its scariness 
    • often in the film for text they use things such as blood to write in which again helps to make the fim more scary 
    • often use things related to horror films as props such as secret black boxes that also make the film more scary

    Blake Snyder's 10 film categorie

    Monster in the house
    Essentially, the monster in the house category would mean that the film is of the horror genre. They tell the story of a powerful creature or monster who has the intentions of hurting or killing everyone in the film. Usually one of the characters in the film is guilty of a 'sin' which releases or brings the monster to life such as in Frankenstein. Other examples include Jaws, The Ring and Paranormal activity.

    Golden Fleece
    The golden fleece genre is about a hero at the start of a film and throughout the course of the film finds things and finds things about himself/herself. Examples of these types of films include After Earth, Oblivion and Star Wars

    Out of the Bottle
    Out of the bottle films are more quirky fantasy films focused around strange occurences happening to people and how they deal with them.Examples of films like this include Bruce Almighty and Freaky Friday.

    Dude with a problem
    This category includes many film genres such as comedy, horror and action. It is usually about a normal character who develops an attitude along the path of heroism which is triggered through a sudden event. They will often find that they need to save the planet or deal with other life or death situations. Films that would fall into this category include Transporter, Taken and Die Hard.
    man spirit.

    Rites of Passage
    This is film genre is about when life changing event happens and this will be  within the story and then in the story they will  try to fix it and this happens throughout the remainder of the film. An example of this could be in some parts American Pie. 

    Buddy love
    These films refer to our physiological need to be loved and accepted. Transformation lies at the center of these films and despite whatever obstacles lie in the way, two people need to be together to function at their best. Examples of these films include Bad Boys and Dumb and Dumberer. 

    Some films of this genre go against the grain for most and focus on the villain, and why they committed their act/ crime etc. They try to explain the character that is rarely explained in true depth, and so this time, the audience get to learn of what it is like to be in the mind of the villain. A classic example of this would be The Silence of the Lambs. Films of this genre can also focus on more common occurrences like murder etc where the 'good guy' police officers have to try and solve the case.

    Fool triumphant
    Fool triumphant films tend to fall under the comedy genre. They are about a character who is oblivious to the world around them labeling them as an underdog who eventually comes out on top giving the film a happy ending. Examples include Dodgeball and Forrest gump.

    This genre of film is focused around a group of characters as they try to overcome one key issue whilst also focusing on their own individual issues,such as the Goonies and The Experiment 

    This type focus on a individual or group of extraordinary people that have special powers that usually lead to them defeating some king of superhero villain. example is man of steel

    Trailer terminology

    • Trailer- a short piece of film (no longer than 2:30min) that is created to promote a film and deliver a plot summary. desinged to excite viewer and make them want to see mor ehwever not give the film away
    • Teaser-ashort type of trailer around 30 seconds released long before the film or trailer that doesn't explain any of the premise or plot but is usually made just to generate hype for the film.
    • Voice over -This is were a voice over is used as a narrator and will set up the movie and it will provide explanations when it is necessary.  Voice over is used as a useful tool to enhance the understanding of the plot to the audience
    • Plot summary-This sums up the story of the film, usually in around 3 stage structure. The premise will be shown, followed by a further explanation of the plot, which then usually ends in a climax that often incorporates notable scores of music to emphasise the events shown.
    • Music- helps set the mood of the trailer and trys to show the genre of film through the music. It is often not in the movie itself
    • Cast, crew and studio-The list of stars that appear in a movie is known as a cast run. Some successful and well known directors or produces will want a mention and to feature in the cast run. A billing block is used in the majority of trailers which shows a list of the principal cast and crew who worked on the movie. This can appear either at the start or end of the movie and tends to be the same list seen on posters or print publicity materials of the film. The logos of the production company and distributor of the film will also feature at the start or end of it.  


    I have done a questionaire to find things ut about films and trailers and peoples prefences in them, the link to it is below

    A2 Coursework Brief Summary

    For my A2 coursework, I will produce one main product and two ancillaries. My main product will be a film trailer for a film that I will make with friends. For my ancillaries I will be producing a poster for the film as well as the front cover for a film magazine with the film i have created on the front cover. Whilist creating the film trailer I will take into consideration roles of camera operators, actors, mes, lighting and sound. I will be creating the trailer in a group of four within my class, i will be doing the other tasks alone.